Tag: life
From Glass Ceilings to Leadership: The Female-Focused Future.
Women leaders make work better. Here is the actual science behind how to promote them Promoting women leaders in the workplace has been shown to […]
Master the Art of Self-confidence in just 7 days!
Do you have issues with your esteem? Do you feel insecure about yourself around people? Well i got you! Building self-confidence is a gradual process […]
Legalizing Marijuana in Kenya: The Pros and Cons
The question of whether marijuana should be legalized is complex and depends on various factors, including cultural, social, economic, and health considerations. As of my […]
Why Mary Is Celebrated on Jamhuri Day
The Day is 12thDecember 2019. This dates is branded Jamhuri Day in Kenya, loosely translated “Independence Day”. Truth is that we have always been interdependent. […]