From Couch Potato to Office Hero: Tackling Success One Pizza Slice at a Time!
The importance of hard work versus talent can vary depending on the context and the goals one is trying to achieve. Both hard work and […]
Swiping Left on Sneaky Marketing.
How Media Tricks Us Into Buying Things We Didn’t Know We Needed (and Maybe Still Don’t!) The influence of media and marketing in Kenya, as […]
Unleash Your Inner Digital Nomad.
Discover How Remote Work Can Transform Your Life! Remote work in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) refers to the practice of employees performing BPO tasks and […]
The Harmonious Revolution.
Unleashing the Trans-formative Power of Music in the Business World today. Music plays a significant role in the business world today, impacting various aspects of […]
Nursing a broken heart while turning lemons into lemonade.
The Remarkable Tale of Bouncing Back from a Business Catastrophe In the unforgiving landscape of the business world, losses serve as poignant reminders of the […]
Let the Money Experts Do It.
Outsourcing finance functions can offer numerous benefits, including cost savings, access to specialized skills, and increased focus on core business activities. However, there are also […]
Survival Smack-down.
The Art of Survival in the Urban Jungle Surviving in Nairobi’s rough economy, or any challenging economic environment, requires a combination of financial savvy, resourcefulness, […]
Kenya is the Gold Medal.
Exploring the Differences Between Kenya and USA. Economic Differences: Social Differences: It’s important to note that the BPO sector is dynamic, and conditions can change […]
Divine Dollars and Holy Debts!
When Religion and the Economy Duked It Out! The connection between the church and the economy in Kenya is intricate and multifaceted. The church, predominantly […]
Unveiling the Path to Untapped Prosperity.
Outsourcing can be a valuable strategy for startups and small businesses looking to scale, reduce costs, and focus on their core competencies. Here are some […]