Category: Editorial
Beyond the Monster: How Godzilla’s Roar Still Echoes Through Today’s Conflicts
For 70 years, Godzilla has stomped through cities and hearts alike, shifting from monster to metaphor. Born from Japan’s post-war anxieties, this iconic creature still resonates in a world grappling with power, conflict, and the lingering shadows of our own creations. Godzilla reminds us: the real danger is rarely the monster—it’s what we create ourselves.
In the modern call center, survival isn’t a matter of grace; it’s a battle of willpower, endurance, and a hefty dose of humor. From the baptism of that first furious call to the relentless battle with the queue, agents navigate a digital kingdom where the strong prevail. Armed with headsets, scripted apologies, and caffeine, they endure the chaos – maintaining composure in the face of customer wrath, braving IT pilgrimages, and fighting for that sweet break time. It’s a war out there, but those who survive emerge victorious, if only to face the next trial.
This November, We’re Letting It Grow!
This November, ditch the razor and let your beard grow as a symbol of support for men’s health and cancer research. Each unshaved day is a conversation starter and a step toward raising awareness.
The all-dull shift routine every agent is used to suddenly stops for a day to pay its tribute to Melinoë, the goddess of ghosts. The […]
The Call Center Survival Kit: What Every Agent Really Needs at Their Desk
Welcome to the frontlines of customer service, where a well-stocked desk could be the difference between surviving a shift and losing your mind. From the all-important “Do Not Disturb” sign to that trusty stress ball, these are the must-haves that every call center agent needs to make it through the day with sanity intact.
When Customers Become Your Therapists: A Lesson in Self-Care
Just like a plant can’t thrive without nourishment, neither can we. In the fast-paced world of customer service, it’s easy to forget the importance of self-care. But sometimes, an unexpected moment occurs when a customer becomes your therapist, reminding you that we’re all human, navigating life’s challenges together.
Punctuality in the Workplace: Time to Reconsider Being ‘On Time’
The phrase “If you’re on time, you’re late” is quickly becoming outdated, especially in today’s flexible work culture. According to a recent survey by Monster, only 14% of employees see punctuality as a critical workplace etiquette rule, even though 76% still find being late to meetings frustrating. As remote and hybrid work gain ground, the rigid 9-to-5 structure is losing its relevance, and the focus has shifted to productivity over mere presence. But while some industries embrace flexibility, others maintain strict punctuality standards, reminding us that arriving on time still sends a message of commitment.
World Literacy Day 2023: The Essential Role of Language in Building Community
On this World Literacy Day, we reflect on the theme of promoting multilingual education: “Literacy for Mutual Understanding and Peace.” Language is more than a communication tool; it fosters collaboration, enriches cultural appreciation, and enhances social intelligence. From the development of COVID-19 vaccines to influential literary translations, the power of shared language has driven remarkable achievements. As the East African Community (EAC) takes steps to adopt Kiswahili as a common language, we explore the potential of multilingualism to unite communities and inspire creativity. Join the conversation about how embracing languages can transform our social landscapes
Is Your Management Style Killing Motivation? Find Out Now.
Let’s talk about employee motivation. What role do you play in ensuring that your employee is excited about the weekend coming to an end and […]
The Lazy Lover’s Guide to the Perfect Weekend
Hustle-weary and in desperate need of a long weekend reboot? This guide to the ultimate self-care staycation has your name written all over it – from guilt-free Netflix binges to games with your boys, you’ll feel like royalty. Time to put that “busy badge” in the drawer and treat yo’ self, don’t cheat yo’ self.