Editorial The World

How To Live Forever? Be A Jellyfish.

2 min read

What if aging wasn’t the end, but just a reset button? Meet the immortal jellyfish—nature’s biggest plot twist. When faced with danger, it doesn’t die… it starts over. Science is still trying to crack its secret, but one thing’s for sure—this tiny jellyfish just might hold the key to eternal youth. Who’s ready to hit refresh on life?


The Mole ep 6

3 min read

“Caught in the crossfire of office politics, I ponder: I don’t know what hurts more—is it my dented ego or shattering reputation. One thing’s certain: Stan is not safe.”


The Explainer:A Deeper Look into LA’s Wildfire Struggles

5 min read

The fires ravaging Los Angeles and the West are a tragic reminder of the complexities of firefighting and the growing environmental challenges we face. Despite being near the coastline, sea water isn’t the solution—understanding the limitations and adopting innovative approaches is crucial to reducing the devastating impact of wildfires. It’s time to rethink our approach and focus on prevention and sustainability


The Mole ep5

2 min read

Do ONLY what you’re paid to do. It’s a controversial tip, but trust me, being mysterious and just doing what’s expected will make you stand out more than being overly available. Want to command your year? Keep these strategies in mind and you’ll be the one everyone turns to


How to Keep Customers Happy This Christmas

2 min read

As CSRs, the festive season might seem quiet, but Murphy’s Law is always lurking—anything that can go wrong, will go wrong! Discover six practical ways to keep customers happy and services running smoothly during the holidays.


The Mole ep.4

3 min read

“At the moment, we are sorting out Christmas issues—who’s manning the queues on the 25th, who is whose Secret Santa, how much the gifts should cost, and many other stories. Looking at the previous stories I’ve shared about my office, you can imagine it’s a whole mélange of emotions and chaos. I refuse to focus on the sad stories this time.”


The Mole ep 3

3 min read

Mastering office politics isn’t about scheming; it’s about knowing what people want and using it wisely. Dive into the secrets of thriving in the workplace with the power of information, strategic alliances, and a little love for the underdogs.