Rumor Has It: My Career’s on the Line
I have told you for some time how Sandie did not go for the managerial role that was open, how Stan took time to heal (wait, I remember I hadn’t mentioned this. So yeah, Stan apparently got over her sore loss. At least that is how it looked like) and how Lisa moved to another team.
Well, Lisa has been busy; she hardly pays us ‘courtesy calls’ as she loves to call them. She does not know that courtesy calls cannot be twice every day. They are no longer courtesy calls.
I grew closer with Sandie. We go to lunch together and our off days are in sync. There are speculations that we are in love and that we spend the days at each other’s when we are not at work, but they are just that; speculations. No substance. Everyone knows that I would rather watch conspiracy movies and clips at home other than be anywhere else on my off days. I don’t work to clear the air on matters of Sandie and myself dating. Let it remain as is.

That is not all though—that is not why I am writing today.
Do you remember that I mentioned that for a month I had thought that Stan had buried the hatchet—that he was no longer angry with me? Well, I was wrong. I am even surprised at how I never saw that…I think my little success had blinded me, making me feel invincible. I was on a sniper’s gunsight.
I should have seen that Stan was still mad. I should see the small plots. The small dark clouds of abandonment. Stan is malicious. He is a master at planting division. He has been dishing small doses of poison in my circles—small enough to kill them but slowly. Apparently, he has been saying that I have been behind layoffs that have been happening.
Now, for justice’s sake, I will talk about the layoffs that have been happening here. Projects have been reducing their workforce and the selection of who stays and who goes has been random…in a way. The issue is not that the unlucky few are collateral damage—it’s that most of them are people that we have had altercations with and have found themselves on the shorter end of the stick. So now they say that I am striking guys off my hit list. I also hear that there’s a more sinister rumor doing rounds that I have something going on with one of the Managers…Brenda is supposed to fill me up on this next week.
Whatever this is, it’s not funny, and that I was caught off guard—me, the chief strategist, the godfather—is really insulting. I don’t know what hurts more—is it my dented ego or shattering reputation. I don’t know. I know though that Stan is not safe.
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