Mondays at Telesky: Bringing Sunshine to the Workweek

2 min read

It’s Monday morning. Monday is often associated with irritability, moodiness, and the “Monday blues” – I’ve noticed this in my neighbors. I wonder where they work; at my office, we always look forward to seeing each other on Monday.  I specifically can’t wait to meet  Jaymo and roast him about how they lost a game on the weekend. God! He should consider getting a restraining order because  I plan to destroy him completely. All  I am saying is that perhaps my neighbors should seriously consider working with us, I wouldn’t say I like seeing unhappy faces on Mondays.

I don’t fault my melancholic neighbor – not entirely. Monday blues are more often triggered by the thought of the traffic on our roads. Lemme give you a picture of what  I can see now (FYI I am stuck in traffic for the last 30 minutes). From an aerial view, our roads – with vehicles bumper-to-bumper – resemble long, bloated anacondas, twisted and endless, seemingly gorged on our collective frustration. It’s like the whole city is one big, slow-moving snake.
I hate the traffic, but not as much as I loathe the fumes it emits. The pungent stench of oil and rubber makes me nauseous. It makes me wonder how the situation might improve if we had more electric vehicles instead of these gas-powered ones. We can only hope that a solution will come someday. Dear government…

For now, I just want to get to work safely. I won’t let reckless bus drivers or police officers with sticky fingers dampen my spirits. My customers await me, and I am their sole savior from the dungeon of Monday blues, the only sunshine to their already dark nearly miserable mornings. I am the light they always find at the end of the tunnel lol.

Hello, thank you for calling Telesky. How can we spread a little sunshine your way today?

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